
Hi! I am Badhan Sen.

Welcome to my little corner of the web! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by! Whether you ended up on this page intentionally or by happy accident, I'm thrilled to have you here. This website serves as a digital representation of who I am, what I do, and what I'm passionate about. Feel free to explore the various sections to learn more about me, my work, and my interests. Since I firmly believe in the power of connection and collaboration, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or just want to say hello. Getting to know people who share my interests and making real connections is something I love. Thank you again for stopping by. I hope you find something here that inspires, informs, or entertains you.

Best wishes,

Connect with me!

Do you want to connect with me? Let's connect with LinkedIn

Do you want to see my work? Here is my GitHub account.

Do you want to see my boring development question and answer? Here is my StackOverFlow account.

💡pageWork Experience

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